Grow Groups are the heart of what we do here.
Community is where we connect together, where we grow together, where we serve together. Our weekend gatherings are fantastic, equipping times where you will hear the word and worship together—and our Grow groups are a vital next step for everyone who calls NewHeart their home.
A Grow group is an intentional gathering of people who meet regularly to grow in their walk with Jesus. Since God designed us for relationships, we believe it is through the connections made in smaller groups that God will help us grow. People form groups around what matters in their lives. This can look like connecting with people who share similar interests or are at the same stage in life as well as finding people who have experience in an area in which you want to grow. Grow groups are also where we pray for each other and support each other. Our groups meet once a week in locations all around our city, and with many groups to choose from, we believe there is a group out there for you.
We have three semesters every year.
Life flows in seasons, and we want to make it easy for you to be in the right small group for you in each season. This is why we have new groups that start and stop three times a year in what we refer to as “semesters.” Our group semesters:
- Winter/spring (February-May—16 weeks)
- Summer (June-July—9 weeks)
- Fall (August-November— 16 weeks)
Fall / Winter 2024 Groups
There is a place for you! We have grow groups all across our city, and all over the week— so there is a place for you to Grow this fall. Many of you have never been part of a Grow group at NewHeart— and that’s ok— we’ve made space for you. This is a commitment to sharing life with other believers, but it’s not a life-long commitment to a group— our Fall/Winter term is just 16 weeks long.
Be intentional about following Jesus— Join a group. This fall all of our Grow Groups are going through the same intentional steps to help us all grow in our walk with Jesus— and you won’t want to miss this season as we start off with the StoryFormed Way, and finish our term with the first territory of Jesus Disciple. I believe that God will use this season to grow you in your faith in amazing ways (if you commit to being a part of it and stick with your group through this season!)
Encourage a friend to join you. Growing in our faith happens best with community, and we’re praying (and making room) for every member of our NewHeart family to get connected to a grow group this season. That’s an ambitious goal, but I want you to hear this— we made room for *you* to take part this season— Jump in with us, and invite a friend to join you on this journey of Growth!
Join a Group Today (Click Here)